Moonchip Custom Code for Jomsocial

Moonchip Custom Code for Jomsocial is a module that allows you to insert code into a module that blends in with any Jomsocial template

js custom backend

There are very few options in the backend, one of the options "module title" which is normally set on the right hand pane is necessary because the module overrides the normal styling from your Joomla! template.

The "custom code" area is where you would type in your custom code.

The "alignment" options allows you to set the alignment of your code within the module.

The "Module class suffix" should be set to cSidebar and left this way as this is the styling taken from the Jomsocial template.

The finished module

js custom finished

When setting up the module make sure you set it to the position "js_side_bottom" this is a built in module position for Jomsocial more info here.

Once the module is complete you can see that it blends seamlessly with the Jomsocial template.

The module title is taken from the backend option and sits above the code just like other parts of the jomsocial template.

The Custom code is centered in the postion again from the options in the backend.

custom module in place

Browser/Joomla Compatibility

Moonchip Custom Code for Jomsocial Release 1.0.3

Only $35.00 USD (includes 12 months updates and support)

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