Moonchip Landing Page with Subscription form for MailChimp

Moonchip Landing Page with Subscription form for MailChimp is a ready made landing page component you install and simply upload your own Logo and Background, it is pre-laid out for you, requires no HTML/CSS skills, made on bootstrap, mobile friendly and has a built-in MailChimp subscription.

Demo landing page here


joomla default landing page

Install the component via the Joomla extension manager.

After installation, you should create a menu item and point it to the component.

You might want to create a hidden menu item if you don't want a link to appear in the front end.

Uploading Logo and Background

joomla complete landing page

There are only 2 images you need to upload for the landing page, click each one to see it in a new window.

subscribelogo.png Logo on subscribe form

subscribebackground.jpg Image behind the subscribe form

Please make sure you name the images correctly and they are the correct size also note that the logo is a PNG image.

upload landing page images

Upload your images via the components backend manager. Make sure the logo is a 193 x 61px transparent PNG image and the background is a jpeg image.

You can make the background image any size you want but its best not to make it to large in file size.

A good size for the background is 1280x720 you should also optimise through here to make the file size smaller and then finally through here to make it even smaller.

You don't need any HTML or CSS skills, simply upload the images and they will appear in place on the landing page.


The landing page is built on bootstrap and optimised for mobile

You can try it out on your mobile device by checking out the demo here, the demo is live and you can subscribe through it.

General Config


Here you can change the subscribe form content.

You can edit all the text including the greyed out default text that appears in the email box.

You can also change the text on the subscribe button and the subscription confirm page text, click here to see a full image of all subscribe form content settings.

If your site is in English you may find the default text will suffice.

Social Buttons

social buttons

The social buttons appear at the top right of the contact form.

button edits

Type in your facebook and twitter URL into each box

When a user clicks a social button the facebook or twitter page will open in a new tab so that the user doesn't navigate away from your landing page

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Type in your Google Analytics code into the box for easy tracking of your landing page.

MailChimp Settings


Here you can set up the mail chimp API.

Enter your mail chimp API key and your mail chimp list ID into the boxes.

Browser/Joomla Compatibility

Moonchip Landing Page with Subcription form for MailChimp 1.0.4

Only $35.00 USD (includes 12 month updates and support)

Pay with PayPal, Debit or Credit Card

Please return to this page for a download link after payment, payments are made to Monka.

Click here to sign up for UK based web hosting

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