Moonchip Skype Call Box Module

different skype button

Moonchip Skype Call Box for Joomla is a simple module that allows you to display your Skype button and provide an easy way for your users to communicate with you using Skype.

Back-end Options

skype backend options

After installation there are very few options in the back-end, simply enter your Skype name and enable the module and choose the options you need.

The call function allows you to make calls via skype and the chat function lets you use skype type chat service, you can also choose to use both.

skype pop up

Once a user clicks on your Skype button a one time pop up box will appear giving them the option to either download Skype or use the Skype they already have to chat with you.

Browser/Joomla Compatibility

Moonchip Skype Call Box Release 1.0.3

Only $35.00 USD (includes 12 months updates and support)

Pay with PayPal, Debit or Credit Card

Please return to this page for a download link after payment, payments are made to Monka.

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