Moonchip Simple Google Analytics
Moonchip Simple Google Analytics is a simple plugin that allows you to easily add google analytics to your Joomla! site, there are very few options and its super simple to set up.
There is only one option in the backend, this is where you put in your google analytics tracking ID.
Add in your tracking ID code
And thats it! after you have entered your code make sure the plugin is enabled and your ready to start tracking your Joomla! site through google analytics.
Check your code
If you now right click and view the source of any of your Joomla! pages your should now see that the google analytics tracking code has been added there and in the correct place (immediately before the closing 'head' tag)
Moonchip Simple Google Analytics 1.0.2
Only $35.00 USD (includes 12 months updates and support)
Pay with PayPal, Debit or Credit Card
Please return to this page for a download link after payment, payments are made to Monka.
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